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LDO IC selection

·         Identify suitable LDO ICs that meet the voltage and capacity requirements.

·         Conduct simulations to ensure the stability and performance of the voltage regulation circuit.

·         Calculate the necessary components for the LDO ICs to ensure proper operation.

·         Create a schematic diagram in Altium that shows the circuit connections and component values.

Overall, the objective of this project is to design a reliable and efficient voltage regulation circuit that can supply stable voltages for various electronic applications.

·         Output voltage: The LDO must be able to provide the precise output voltage required by the processor. It is important to choose an LDO with a low output voltage tolerance and good line regulation to ensure stable output voltage.

·         Output current: The LDO should be able to provide enough output current to meet the processor's peak current demands. It is important to choose an LDO with sufficient output current capability to prevent voltage droop or instability.

·         Dropout voltage: The LDO's dropout voltage should be as low as possible to minimize power dissipation and maximize efficiency. This is especially important for battery-powered applications.

·         Thermal performance: The LDO should have good thermal performance to prevent overheating and ensure reliable operation. It is important to choose an LDO with an appropriate thermal resistance rating and consider the thermal management requirements of the application.

·         Noise performance: The LDO should have good noise performance to minimize interference with the processor's operation. It is important to choose an LDO with low output noise and good PSRR (power supply rejection ratio).

·         Protection features: The LDO should have appropriate protection features, such as overcurrent protection, thermal shutdown, and reverse voltage protection, to prevent damage to the processor and other components in the event of a fault.

Overall, when selecting an LDO for a processor supply, it is important to consider the specific requirements of the application and choose an LDO that meets those requirements while providing stable, reliable, and efficient voltage regulation.

In addition to the processor's requirements, other factors such as the system's noise sensitivity, EMI/EMC compliance, and overall performance requirements may also influence the acceptable amount of ripple in the LDO's output.

the selection between an LDO and an SMPS depends on the specific requirements of the application. LDOs are simpler, provide more stable voltage regulation, generate less noise, and are smaller in size, while SMPSs are more efficient and can provide higher power

The objective of this project is to design a reliable and efficient voltage regulation, choose an LDO that meets those requirements while providing stable, reliable, and efficient voltage regulation, In addition to the processor's requirements, other factors such as the system's noise sensitivity, EMI/EMC compliance, and overall performance requirements may also influence the acceptable amount of ripple in the LDO's output, LDOs are simpler, provide more stable voltage regulation, generate less noise, and are smaller in size, while SMPSs are more efficient and can provide higher power

 project will depend on your ability to balance the competing requirements of stability, efficiency, noise sensitivity, and ripple control, while also taking into account other factors such as EMI/EMC compliance and overall performance requirements. By carefully evaluating these factors and selecting the right LDO, can design a voltage regulation system that  delivers reliable and efficient performance

read the article and watch video that Why is power sequence significant, and what is its purpose

What is latch up, read about why it happens

What is the function of the pin in the datasheet and what is its use?

The time taken in the simulation of the circuit is very slow because it is a transient model of the IC.

Installed LTSPICE software for fast simulation and saw how to add PSPICE model to it.

Read about transient model and why it takes so much time, what is the time taken by all software in simulation,

The simple power sequencing method is to connect the EN and PG pins to each other in a cascading connection.

After its simulation, the power up sequence was equal but in the power down sequence all were shutting down together.


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