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How to Login to Sinric Pro and Add Devices

 You can simply link the Google Home and Amazon Alexa Apps with an ESP8266, NodeMCU, or ESP32 microcontroller using Sinric Pro to control any appliance with Google Assistant and Alexa. With Sinric Pro, you can simply create any IoT-based home automation project.

Register for a Sinric Pro Account.


How to Login to Sinric Pro and Add Devices


Then, after filling out all of the required information, click Register.

How to Login to Sinric Pro and Add Devices


Login to Sinric Pro

Then, after entering your email address and password, click Login.


In Sinric Pro, create a Room.

You must first make room in the Sinric Pro before adding the gadgets.

The following are the steps for constructing rooms in Sinric Pro:

  • In the left-hand menu, select Rooms.
  • To create a new room, click the Add Room button.
  • Fill in the Room Name and Description fields.
  • Save the file.

As a result, you may build numerous rooms based on your needs.


Sinric Pro allows you to add devices.

Choose Devices from the left-hand menu, then click the Add Device option.

Fill in the following information about the device:


Fill out the Device Name and Description fields.

  • Then, depending on your needs, choose the Device Type. I've chosen Switch as the device type because I'll be controlling an SPDT relay.
  • The gadget is then assigned to a Room.
  • After that, select Next.


Configure Mobile Push Notifications

  • You can switch on notifications if you wish to get push alerts about this device.
  • This field is not required.
  • Next should be selected.

If you want to set a timer to turn on or off a device after a certain amount of time, you may do it here. This field is also optional.
Next should be selected.

This is another field that can be left blank. To receive an estimate of energy usage, enter the wattage rating of the connected device.
Now Save the file. The gadget will be made.

If you sign up for a Sinric Pro free account, you may add up to 3 devices for free.


You must first input the Sinric API KEY and API SECRET before uploading any sample sketch to the ESP8266 or ESP32.

Go to Credentials from the left side menu to retrieve the API KEY and API SECRET.
Then, in the code, insert the APP KEY and APP SECRET with the Wi-Fi name and password.
In the code, you must also include the device id. The Device ID may be found in the Devices menu.

A unique ID is provided to each device when it is created in Sinric Pro. There will be 3 distinct device IDs if you create three devices.


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